
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Emergency Mode


As most florists in the states who have weddings this weekend and next weekend know that the Volcano cloud in Iceland is wrecking havoc with more then just travelers trying desperately to fly out of Europe, it's also causing untold wedding flowers from Holland to not reach desperate florists in time for weddings that are quickly approaching this weekend. Fortunately I don't have one this weekend however I have two next weekend. One wedding requires lots of Peonies, arg!. It's still a bit to early for US grown Peonies, what is ready has I'm sure been cut in small bud form because of the unfortunate demand.

Getting creative is the key. Putting your foot down at this point in the game is CRUCIAL for assuring the look you sold to the expecting bride. What we have done is bypass our supplier's "we're trying, we will check into it and let you know" action and procure substitutes now.

Peonies are unique, probably, well at least for us, requested "because she loves the so" by the bride. I will say that there is a chance in hell that we will present a full bloom of Peony at her wedding, not good enough, so we have ordered, and they will arrive early in the week, several varieties of Garden Roses grown in Ecuador. These varieties are the closest resemblance to Peonies available , plus they smell so sweet.

1 comment:

  1. I am in emergency mode as well. I cannot find cymbidiums. So i am trying to work around it.
