
Sunday, June 20, 2010

Escort Card Table, Wheat Grass

We produced a BarMitzvah at the New Britain Museum of Arts yesterday. One of the highlights was the Escort Card Table. When we have parties that require Wheat Grass, my fingernails are always chewed off by event time. Through years of experience growing Wheat Grass it is always a touch and go, we want at least four inches and we want it when the blades get that open spoon look. We typically process the seed for planting 7 days before the event and plant 6 days, this is what works for us, but there are so many various conditions that speed or slow growth, old seed, temperature, this time Marcy actually planted the grass for the first time as I was in DC for another event. I was so proud that she exceeded in something that has always been my domain, she babied the seeds, soaking in clean water and rinsing every so often, she prepared the soil perfectly, and never over watered, she did everything right and still the grass grew to 5 inches, but it was fine, we could have planted 5 days prior but it was a new shipment of seed so there is no chance for experimentation.

The Escort Board is a picture frame that I designed with Hosta and Aspedistra leaves with a row of yellow Gerbera Daisies.

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